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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Buenos Dias Amigos!

Saludos desde Nueva York!

Bienvenidos a Chalupa Chat. Si quiere mas informacion tocante mi libro nuevo, "The Chalupa Rules", puede visitar a www.mariobosquez.com

Esta pagina se presentara en ingles y espanol y espero sus comentarios y preguntas con anticipacion!

Good Morning Everyone!

Greetings from New York City.

Welcome to Chalupa Chat. This page will be presented in English and Spanish and I look forward to receiving your comments and questions.

My book, "The Chalupa Rules" includes the wisdom of traditional Spanish proverbs, "hand-crafted" rules of life and personal advice from my experience as a survivor of poverty, domestic violence and discrimination.

Mi libro, "The Chalupa Rules" contiene las riquezas de dichos tradicionales, reglas de la vida "hechas a mano" y consejos que nacen de mi experiencia personal en como sobrevivir los obstaculos de la pobreza, violencia domestica y discriminacion.


Chalupa Rule of the Day: from: "The Chalupa Rules" (Plume)

Good Grades Will Never Disappear
Los buenos grados nunca se van a acabar.

Unlike allowance money that usually disappears as soon as you get it, good grades are here to stay. They will never vanish from your report card. Be assued the "A" or "B" you earned in the first grade is still there.

You use them when you apply for college scholarships. You use them when you apply the knowledge they brought you in your workplace. Use the bounty of those good grades all you want; they will never disappear.

An "A" or "B" is like money in the bank. They add up to financial aid for college, wisdom for work and confidence in life.

You can always spend a dollar, watch it vanish never to be seen again. You cannot spend a good grade that way. You can use it over and over and it will never run out.


No como el dinero que casi siempre se desaparece tan presto que lo recibe, un buen grado nunca se desaparece.

Un dolar siempre se puede gastar facilmente.

Pero un buen grado es como oro. Se puede utilizar para recibir becas del colegio. La sabiduria de un buen grado se puede usar en su trabajo. La cosecha de buenos grados siempre permanecera'.

Es como tener dinero en el banco.

Un buen grado se puede usar miles de veces y nunca se acabara'.

Hasta Pronto Amigos!!!



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